Trends in the Interim Management market

Published on 2/3/2023

Transition Management 2022.

FRANCE TRANSITION has published the 2022 barometer of the interim management market.

In 2022, the interim management market returned to its significant pre-Covid growth, with an appreciable increase of 39% on a comparable basis.

Types of interim assignments in 2022.

Key market indicators:

  • Steady growth in the share of bridge management assignments: 47% of assignments on average in 2022.
  • The cost of intervention (TJM) will return to its 2019 level after the decreases experienced in 2020 and 2021.
  • An average duration of assignments up by 8 months in the last months of 2022.

Download the full barometer


Ranking of Interim Management firms 2022 :

Décideurs Magazine has published the 2022/2023 Ranking of the "Best Transition Management Firms" in the "Leadership & Human Capital Management" Directory Guide, click here to consult it.

Barometer on the Interim Management market year 2021 : .

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