Interim Management: the 6 steps to a successful mission

Published on 2/3/2023

Transition Management.

Interim management consists of temporarily integrating an external professional into an organization. This expert is assigned for a short period to strategic and decision-making missions. The interim manager usually intervenes to manage a crisis or to support a major change in the company's organization. The intervention process follows a well-defined procedure. Louis Dupont develops the different stages of a successful interim management mission.

Defining the objectives of the manager's mission

This is the first step in the process. In order to guarantee the smooth running of operations, the management firm must first define the objectives with the interim manager and the client. This allows us to select the best manager profiles with the necessary skills to carry out the management mission. Louis Dupont has a large network of referenced interim managers in order to propose professionals adapted to the needs of client companies.

It is therefore necessary to draw up specifications that present the key points of the situation in detail. The trajectory and follow-up of the mission are co-constructed and piloted by the Louis Dupont management firm, the interim manager, and the client.

Choosing the interim manager

A company can call on the services of an interim manager for various assignments. It may be to manage several strategic projects or to provide one-off reinforcement. Once the issues have been identified, the interim management company selects and validates the profile of the manager who will be assigned to the company. This phase allows us to confirm that the skills of the person in question are adapted to the problems listed in the specifications.

The professional must respect the way a manager operates during his intervention. He must also have expertise in the company's sector of activity. Once the choice has been validated, the professional takes a detailed look at the specifications in order to study in depth the problems faced by the client company.

Louis Dupont - Transition Management firm.

The course of the intervention

If he is assigned to the management of a particular department, the interim manager must make a good first impression through effective and relevant decision making. The manager's role will be to establish a well-defined action plan according to the resources at his disposal. To have more flexibility in his work, he can opt for the portage salarial. When the global strategy of the company is totally reoriented, the professional will have to make the necessary recommendations to ensure the handover to replacements.

The follow-up of the transitional mission

In a tripartite relationship between the firm, the consultant and the client, the follow-up of the management mission allows for a global view to evaluate the decisions that are taken. It is indeed important that the offer of an interim management firm is adapted to the client company's needs. Louis Dupont's services allow for a significant amount of guidance and follow-up to secure the objectives. The density of the follow-up depends on the complexity of the problems encountered.

Sustainability of actions at the end of the mission

During the last few weeks of the assignment, the interim manager will put in place various recommendations to ensure that the impact of his or her actions lasts after his or her departure. This is because, the vocation of an interim management firm such as Louis Dupont is to like Louis Dupont's is to implement innovative managerial methods to accompany companies in a profound structural transformation.

The conclusion and synthesis of the mission

The end of an interim management project usually marks the beginning of a new important phase: the recruitment of new employees, autonomy and a new organization. This is the final stage of the assignment. During a meeting with the different actors of the company, the interim manager evaluates and concludes the mission. He will explain in a significant way the results of the implementation of his action plan and the development brought to the client company. By relying on the expertise of a management firm such as Louis Dupont, it is possible to carry out the transition of one's company with complete peace of mind.


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