5 reasons to use interim management

Published on 12/18/2021

Emergency replacement, transformation project, crisis situation, strong growth, turnaround, development of a new activity: there are many exceptional events that a company may face throughout its existence. In order to face these situations, interim management is often the best adapted management solution for a quick exit from a crisis or a quick adaptation to change. This article reviews the 5 main advantages of using an interim manager.

1/ The interim manager: an immediately operational expert

Calling on an interim management company in an exceptional situation allows you to benefit from the services of an excellent manager who is operational immediately. In general, less than 72 hours are enough for this professional to take charge of the mission. In addition to having highly specialized skills in his field of activity, the interim manager demonstrates leadership. He or she is a seasoned man or woman with a passion for challenges. In addition to their sectoral skills, interim managers stand out for their softskills: agility, cold-bloodedness in crisis management, exemplary behaviour, high standards, confidence, etc.

Interim managers are generally leaders who have been at least once :

  • Members of an operational management team in a large company ;
  • Coordinators of large-scale transformation projects;
  • Executives of a large organization;
  • Executives with an international mission.

Interim managers are also executive profiles accustomed to different contexts, business sectors and corporate cultures. The organization therefore benefits from a high level of expertise by using this type of management for exceptional management missions or for a strategic project.

LD - 5 Benefits of Interim Management

2/ A rapid implementation of concrete solutions

The interim manager brings to the company his rich and diversified professional experience in performance and human resources management for the smooth running of the business. As soon as he or she takes up his or her position in the company, he or she defines his or her priorities in order to quickly get to the heart of the matter. Whether it is within the framework of a transformation (a digital transformation project for example) or a crisis management, the interim manager intervenes in the implementation of appropriate solutions after having carried out the necessary diagnostics.

His action plan and all his decisions are essentially strategic and result-oriented. He also provides operational support to ensure that his temporary employees work towards the common goal.

The reactivity and the great efficiency of the interim management ensure that the fruits of the actions carried out last. This is the case even after the manager has completed his or her interim assignments in the company. The interim manager prepares the future of the organization over a short period of time by laying the foundations for sustained growth.

3/ An objectivity conducive to performance and change

Unlike a director or an executive who has been present for several years, an interim manager brings a fresh perspective to the organization to which he or she is appointed. From his or her position as a leader, he or she has an objective view of the situation prevailing within the company. This allows him to manage human resources in the most efficient way possible to succeed in the transformation, the change or the exit from the crisis. The absence of subjectivity in his or her judgments also enables the interim manager to make decisions without bias, focusing solely on the points of progress and the levers of performance.

At the same time, the use of interim management is most often accompanied by a peak in productivity and commitment from all employees. This burst of energy is explained by the interim manager's ability to get all the company's staff to effectively join his cause. He makes an objective diagnosis of the company and makes transparent choices.

4/ Measurable results

When an interim manager starts an assignment, he immediately carries out an inventory of the existing situation. He will analyze and evaluate the situation. This is also an opportunity to identify the risks and difficulties to be expected on the project. Afterwards, he will recommend his recommendations and an action plan. This means defining the objectives to be reached and determining the path to get there: preparation of the mission trajectory. The interim manager has often experienced similar situations, which is his strength. This makes him operational more quickly, and it is reassuring for the client.

At the end of the mission, the client can easily measure the success of his intervention.  

Opting for this operating mode in times of crisis, transformation or strong growth makes it possible to secure the achievement of objectives thanks to the expertise of the interim manager.

5/ A profitable investment

Of course, the services of an interim manager have a cost because it is a flexible, quick and temporary solution. We also pay for oversizing, for experiences that allow agility to be operational immediately.

Why is it profitable?

Who talks about the costs of stopping a production site because of a managerial deficiency? Or an inability to get employees' paychecks out on time? An outdated recruitment process that does not allow for the resources to absorb growth? Or simply not being able to deliver new customers on time?

The impact of these situations has costs that are often invisible and always much higher than the additional cost of the interim manager.

Calling on an interim manager is a good investment for the company, with the possibility of measuring the results obtained and evaluating the ROI (return on investment). This is the reason why companies are increasingly demanding this type of management in France.


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