LOUIS DUPONT, a player in Transition Resolution that combines Agility, Expertise and Performance.

Published on 12/7/2021

LOUIS DUPONT, a player in Transition Resolution that combines Agility, Expertise and Performance.

Our vocation is to accompany companies in their transformation with solutions focused on people. We provide expertise, know-how, methodology and skills immediately, for the duration of an assignment, thanks to our network of effective managers.

Our interim management and accelerated recruitment solutions are applied to the strategic functions of the company:

  • General Management
  • C-Level
  • Operational functions

We work in France and internationally with large groups, SMEs and ETIs with :

  • A large network of referenced interim managers
  • A structured way of operating to which we are committed
  • An ethical and efficient approach

To follow our news, subscribe to our LinkedIn page: https: //bit.ly/3wgpBs4

Are you an interim manager? Join us: https: //bit.ly/3tWlAYl

Your company has a need? Contact us: https: //bit.ly/3hDn33h


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